1995-06-26 Woozle writes to Grandma

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June 26, 1995

Dear Grandma,

These pictures have been sitting around for several weeks now - first in envelopes from the film developers, then on the dinner table, and finally on my desk - so it is undoubtedly high time I sent them. I have put Anna in the playpen so I can type, and she is not at all happy with the situation and has stated quite firmly that I will be hearing from her solicitor if the situation is not remedied with utmost dispatch.

Other than that, and the general heat and humidity, we are all doing well. Mubbie is in a dither trying to get the house presentable in time for Rebekah’s visit on her (Mubbie’s) birthday in late July, which of course involves much carpentry on our part. Livia has managed to let the folks at the newspaper give her more interesting things to do, thereby increasing her hours to the maximum -- which, of course, has its good and bad aspects; she’s delighted with the new work she’s doing, though, so I do believe the former outweighs the latter.

The studio continues to come along, with much help from some girls who are doing painting and so forth in return for future use of the studio. They usually show up only one or two days a week, but they are well-motivated and need little supervision. I’m hoping to have the control room operational (if not finished) by the end of the summer. ...I actually managed to finish a small project for UGA the other day, which was good but somewhat pathetic; under ordinary circumstances it would have taken 2 or 3 days at most, but it actually took quite a few months because I only had an hour or two each week.

I hope you are doing well. Livia & Mubbie send their love, and Anna says “aaaaaaaningnngnnaaaaaaeeeyaaaaaa” or something to that effect.

All the best,


The "girls" (pardon the non-PC-ness for my U.S. audience under age 50 or so; it was quite the correct term to use for this letter to my English grandmother) doing the painting were in fact Lysa and Noel of The Blue Stockings.